

时间:2012-11-27 11:16来源:日立压缩机代理商作者:福粤点击:
R22冷媒日立压缩机使用注意事项 压缩机在去除吸、排气接头盖后,请勿放置10分钟以上; Installation shall be completed within 10 minutes after removing the caps of suction and discharge tube. 请勿压缩空气; Do not compress air. 在真空状态下请勿


  1. 压缩机在去除吸、排气接头盖后,请勿放置10分钟以上;
Installation shall be completed within 10 minutes after removing the caps of suction and discharge tube.
  1. 请勿压缩空气;
Do not compress air.
  1. 在真空状态下请勿通电;
Do not energize under vacuumed condition.
  1. 热泵系统必须在压缩机底部安装油加热器(40~80W,220V);
Crankcase heater is require if the refrigeration system is heat pump.
  1. 请勿反向旋转;
Do not reverse rotate.
  1. 运转时,各相间的电压偏差应在额定电压的3%以内;
Voltage (run):Voltage deviation each phase shall be within 3% of the rated voltage.
  1. 成箱压缩机包装件的叠放堆码极限为2箱,装卸过程中严禁翻滚;
Pile limits 2 pallet.Tumbling is forbidden during handling.
  1. 向压缩机充油或冷媒时,必须从排气侧进行;
Charge oil or refrigerant from the discharge pipe.
  1. 压缩机的接地装置应永久与制冷器具的接地装置连接;
The compressor’s ground should be connected with that of refrigeration system permanently and firmly.

      10.高压压力开关参考设定值为2.8±0.1MPa, 低压压力开关参考设定值为0.015±0.005MPa;
When using pressure switch, we advise setting pressure as follow: High pressure 2.8±0.1MPa,     Low pressure 0.015±0.005MPa.
